Azolla is supplemented fodder for dairymen

Azolla is a free-floating aquatic fern. Azolla microphylla is a suitable species for quick biomass production under tropical and subtropical climate condition. The Azolla is mainly propagated by vegetates means.

It may yield on an average about 1.5 kg/sq meter in a week. Under normal condition the Azolla doubles it selves in three days. Multiplying Azolla through sporoarp technique has also been developed in many research institutes in the world. Azolla can be multiplied in a small cement cistern/galvanized iron tray or cellophane sheet. The convenient size will be 2m x 1m x 0.3 m. A layer of 7-10 cm of soil and cow dung is provided at the bottom. About 5-7 cm depth of water is maintained in the pit. About 10-12 gms of single super phosphate/Rock phosphate and 2 gms of carbofuran are applied for proper nutrient and pest control. Then about 200 gms of fresh Azolla can be harvested. After each harvest above mention super phosphate, Rock phosphate should be applied for fast multiplication of Azolla is left over in each pit for further multiplication.

It may yield on an average about 1.5 kg/sq meter in a week. Under normal condition the Azolla doubles it selves in three days. Multiplying Azolla through sporoarp technique has also been developed in many research institutes in the world. Azolla can be multiplied in a small cement cistern/galvanized iron tray or cellophane sheet. The convenient size will be 2m x 1m x 0.3 m. A layer of 7-10 cm of soil and cow dung is provided at the bottom. About 5-7 cm depth of water is maintained in the pit. About 10-12 gms of single super phosphate/Rock phosphate and 2 gms of carbofuran are applied for proper nutrient and pest control. Then about 200 gms of fresh Azolla can be harvested. After each harvest above mention super phosphate, Rock phosphate should be applied for fast multiplication of Azolla is left over in each pit for further multiplication.

Azolla has also been extensively used as feed for pig, duck and fish. Because, it contain high Protein (24-30% on dry weight basis and 4-5% Nitrogen). Besides this there are so many important nutrients present which is very much helpful for animal feed as well as nutrient for plants. The chemical composition in Azolla (Dry Wt%) is, Ash-10.5, Soluble Sugar 3.5, Crude Protein 24-30, Nitrogen 4-5, Phosphorous 0.5-0.9, Potassium 2.0-4.5, Calcium 0.4-1.0, Magnesium 0.5-0.6, Manganese 0.11-0.16, Iron 0.06 and Chlorophyll 0.34-0.55.

Azolla is found to be very nutrient and less expensive organic feed supplement for dairy animals, goats and poultry. After harvest of Azolla from the pit it can be washed thoroughly with fresh water and kept in a bucket half filled with water. Fresh Azolla is fed as such to cows and goats but for poultry, Azolla is fed with commercial feed 1:1 ratio. For goat 400-500 gms and for cow 1.5-2.00 kg of fresh Azolla can be fed with a mixture of commercial feed or green fodder. By feeding Azolla there will be substantial increase milk and meat yield.

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